The Spartanburg Soil and Water Conservation District and our partners, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, provide the following services to local landowners:
NRCS Farm Programs
The Farm Bill programs are offered through the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
These programs include:
- Conservation planning
- Urban and rural flood control
- Soil conservation and erosion control
- Soils mapping and soils data
- Aerial photography and topographic map information
- Wildlife, forestry, and forage management
- Homeowner education
- Backyard habitat development
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
This cost-share program identifies local resource concerns and sets priorities to address issues such as soil erosion, water quality, and wildlife habitat. EQIP is available in all 46 counties to address statewide resource concerns. Sixty-five percent of EQIP funds are targeted toward approved Conservation Priority Areas. State Conservation Priority Areas have been identified by local workgroups, ranked by the State Technical Committee, and submitted to Washington for approval. Practices such as cross fencing, watering tank installation, field borders, filter strips, and grassed waterways may be covered under this program. Contact our office today to see if your farm qualifies!