Open Seat Filled

Congratulations to Mike Brady for being elected to fill the previously open seat in the Spartanburg Soil and water Conservation District’s board of commissioners! Mike took his oath of office at the annual conference on Tuesday, January 14. prior to being an elected commissioner, Mike served as an associate commissioner for many years. Welcome, Mike!

Latest Garden Video

Check out our latest Into The Garden Video! One year ago, this week we released the introduction to this project. We have come a long way toward soil health since then!

Survivor Tree

On Thursday, March 4th, the Survivor Tree gifted by the Spartanburg SWCD to Spartanburg High School Envirothon Teams was planted in its new home. This American Elm is a direct descendant to the tree that remained standing in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing and represents the resilience and perseverance of the Envirothon teams.